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Alien Mate: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance
Alien Mate: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance Read online
Alien Mate: A Dark Alien Abduction Romance
Penelope Woods
About the Author
Introduction: Anna
1. Anna
2. Anna
3. Anna
4. Anna
5. Ax
6. Anna
7. Ax
8. Anna
9. Ax
10. Anna
11. Ax
12. Anna
13. Ax
14. Anna
15. Ax
Epilogue: Anna
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Penelope’s Dungeon
About the Author
A Penelope Woods Production
About the Author
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Penelope Woods is a top 100 Amazon author who writes dark sci-fi, horror, fantasy and uniquely gothic romance novels. When she learned about smut, it was like a light bulb clicked on in her head. She started writing in 2016 and has never looked back.
Three Alphas. One captive Omega.
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Introduction: Anna
I wake in darkness.
With no hope. With him rising above me like a tidal wave.
I bite my cheek and choke on tears. I never thought this would happen.
Abducted. Naked and afraid. I am lost, lost on a planet that is very much not my own.
I see his monstrous silhouette block out the sky before my knees buckle under me.
He takes me. In time, I learn to be his.
I close my eyes and say goodbye to the world.
Location: Planet Kurrek.
Year: 2235 A.D.
The other soldiers call it planet Hell. I call it home.
The night sky glows with falling embers. The jungle cries with the sounds of winged, long-tailed creatures. Howling, hungry mammals hide in the trees, waiting for their moment to spring.
Earth Federation came here seeking peace and diplomatic solutions. Our stakes? We wanted to end the looming threat of universal extinction.
Every step of the way, the aliens challenged us. We invaded their Red Sands. Our warships dropped bomb after bomb, after fucking bomb, until calmer talks could resume.
We sunk projectiles into their city centers. Rover bots roamed the streets, firing at any sign of life.
We gave them all the led we had in our magazines. No rules were followed. Out here, there is no Geneva Protocol. There is only extinction and colonization.
This war is an unending bloodbath.
It took humans over one hundred years to get the remaining alien tribes to submit and surrender. We pushed them into settlements, taught them Earth's customs, and allowed for a bridge of peace to build.
It wasn't the best we could do. But it could've been a hell of a lot worse.
The hundred year invasion is coming to an end, but Earth Federation will always remain. We stay and fight to control any remaining instability. But there's only so much we can do.
A vast network of criminal activity has taken advantage of a century of volatility to flourish and gain control over the remaining alien population. These alpha extraterrestrials, known as the Syndicate, hunt and force their women to mate.
Once they claim you, you become their territory.
The rich soil of the Elysa Jungles feels smooth beneath my paramilitary boots. My EF-1 shock gun rests heavily in my hands. The on-screen dash of the Tera-930 displays a snapshot of the jungle terrain.
Good to go.
The cries of strange animals haunt the surrounding jungles, but they no longer fill me with dread. This is the world we signed up to protect. My only home. I'm used to the chaos.
I adjust my headset, stare into my thermal viewer, my chin sweating against the tight strap. I've been here for hours, sent on a mission to check out possible movement in the area; possible Syndicate scum. It's hard to know. Mammals and small creatures set the alarms off all the time.
Unfortunately, our reports come with a certain lack of consistency, but we have to check it out to be safe.
"Command, there's nothing in view. I think it's another bust," I say.
My commanding officer, Clara Riley, sighs. "Are you sure? We've received three different reports of strange activity. It’s possible they have camouflaged their bodies."
I shake my head. "I thought so, too, but I programmed a heat bot to relay information over the four quadrants of the region. So far, the data isn't showing anything remarkable. There is nothing out here," I say, stepping near some animal shit. "Well, nothing except a few mud pies."
"Gross," she says.
"Hey, you're the one who sent me out here," I say. "I hate this place. The jungle… it’s too dense to guard."
She pauses. "Hold tight. I'd like to document this call. Cool if I use your sight to lock in visual confirmation?" she asks.
I pause. "My sight? We're really going there?"
"Anna, calm down," she says.
"There's nothing out here, Clara. Why'd you send me on a mission if you’re not certain. I’m tired of coming back empty handed."
She laughs. Something is going on with her, but I can’t put my finger on it.
"Don't worry. I won't let command watch more than you allow," she says.
"Promise me," I say.
"It's the savages mating season, which means we need to stay on our toes. Another woman could get taken," she says. “A soldier, even. We need to beat them, Anna.”
The thought sends a chill down my spine. "If there is any alien activity, I'll find it, but there's no way they're going to steal one of Earth Federation's junior officers," I say.
"You never know. I just want video confirmation in case you pick up movement over the next few hours," she says.
Mandatory eye implants were never a good idea. If a command officer wants access, they can see everything.
"The next few hours? Are you really expecting me to stay out here for that long?" I ask.
"Actually, yes. That's an order, bitch."
I sigh and bite my tongue. "At the very least, stop calling them savages. Not only is it disrespectful, but it's stupid. We’re supposed to be maintaining order. You know, bringing the world peace?"
She laughs. “Order? Fat chance. Let’s be real, Anna. This place was never suitable for civilization,” she says.
“Maybe.” I sigh and collect myself. “The truth is, mating season has me worried. Whenever the two suns set, I worry I’ll be next.”
"It's been a long time since I had a good fuck. Might make for a nice time," she says.
Clara doesn’t put her walls down. She acts like this is all a joke, but it’s not. It’s getting worse out here, and she knows it.
"You're crude,” I say.
"Sex-fueled savages with the biggest cocks known to this universe," she says. “The image doesn’t turn you on?”
"I just read a piece on their mating rituals. It's not purely sexual. It’s about pain for them," I say. “To answer your question: No, it doesn’t turn me on. It scares the hell out of me.”
"Big. Throbbing. Alien cocks," she says. "As thick and meaty as a roll of salami."
"You're disgusting."
"You're a nerd, and it's killing my buzz," she says.
Well, she's got me there.
Clara’s laugh subsides. She says, "Okay, I'll admit it. In a weird way, they're pretty hot. Shame they're dead
set on resisting us. If the alphas were able to integrate into society like we thought, maybe they’d make good partners.”
I ignore her as best I can. When I’m this close to the jungle, she doesn't seem that funny. There could be anyone out there, watching me. Waiting for me to slip up.
"I take it you've run a landscape analysis on the region?" I ask.
Clara clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. I can hear her typing. "Did one weeks ago, but I could set another for tomorrow," she says.
"Tomorrow?" I ask. "If we wait that long, you might as well call the search off. A craft will flash out of the quadrant in less than a second."
"These days, Syndicate criminals don't take to the sky. Too many Earth Federation patrol vehicles," she says.
"Even more reason to send a bot in to scan for any irregularities in the landscape," I say.
"We know their path, Anna," she says. "They take the Kalyx River. They transport the women by boat," she says.
"We have documentation of their vehicles?" I ask. "Seems a little crazy we don't have patrols stationed along the river."
"The river goes all the way up to the Red Sands. It's part of the treaty with the Gorkis. Until our lovely Earth Federation generals feel the need to reform old laws, the river is out of our jurisdiction,” she says.
"Why didn't you tell me about this before?" I ask.
"I didn't want to freak you out. I know how you stressed you get," she says.
"Clara, what are you hiding from me?"
She clears her throat and clicks her tongue again. "We think there are some in the area. Despite the laws surrounding jurisdiction, I think we'll be able to defend our case to the generals if we hunt them down. You know, bring General Kyev an alien, face to face,” she says.
She continues. “Slavers have made routine trips across the river, slowing down at a small, clandestine harbor outside of the refugee camps. They are loaded with weapons and women. Tonight is important, so I sent you out to—"
"You sent me to patrol, knowing full well I was walking into a Syndicate fuck-party," I say.
"A shame, I know. But just last week you were complaining about a lack of adventure. Here you go. You've found it. If you catch one of these bastards, you’ll be celebrated by every general, soldier, and MP on the planet," she says.
Wow. What a total bitch, but she's right. This is exactly what I signed up for. "I guess I didn't expect to be alone," I say. “Normally, we get briefed on this sort of thing.”
“Don’t be such a wuss. We've got units in the area standing by," she says. "They're just waiting on you."
My heart races. In the distance, I see red lasers appear. They bounce near my feet. Friendly snipers.
Oh, thank God…
I smile and loosely wave my hand, shaking my head with astonishment. "You set me up," I whisper.
This is what I wanted. To rise in the ranks. To honor my planet and do right by the docile alien races.
"You're damn right, soldier. You know I have your back. This is your time to shine, so enough joking around. Embrace the suck," she says.
Embrace the suck. Just one of many of our squad's catchphrases. Sometimes, this place really does suck, but it feels good to get a chance at making it suck less.
I inhale the humid air and repeat her words. "Embrace the suck. Over and out."
My eye transmits everything I see back to base. All of the data gets projected on Intel screens. There's not a clear trail in front of me, but I know the area well enough to navigate.
Knowing it'll be faster if I comb through toward the other side, I step into my vehicle, turn the power on and fire up the thrusters, waiting for them to heat up.
I tap the on-screen dash and download the map of the region. It takes a second, but the image finally comes onto the display. I try my best to memorize it.
Just when I thought the night couldn't get any better, my battery dies.
"Oh, come on."
I spin the charge wheel and watch as a red skull symbol shines like a beacon of disappointment. The bastard died on me.
I smack the dash and feel the darkness creep around me. The sounds of the forest mesh together. And I just don't know if I can do it.
I can call Clara. She can send someone to come pick me up in about fifteen minutes. But then every soldier in the barracks would rag on me for months. I'd have to suffer through their snide jokes, and I'd feel even crappier about being stationed in the worst jungle on the planet.
I jump out of the Tera and dig in the back for a charge-stick or a spare battery. I find one, but I hear something that sends a chill through my spine.
A scream echoes through the trees. Clicking noises and strange rattles shake the entire forest. Right after, there are whispers that pull me inside the shadowy realm of the jungle.
It's a woman's scream that breaks through my trance, forcing me to react.
I step inside the darkness. I walk into the damp and misty zone that soon swallows me whole. Creatures of all kinds watch in wonder. The hum and hiss of insects torments me.
There's another scream, followed by low guttural noises. A scuffle and the sound of chains.
Three green lights flash in the distance, and all of my systems go haywire. My radio shifts in frequency. My shock prod’s battery goes dim. Despite my fear, I follow the lights, venturing where the trail turns into thick leaves and deep layers of mud.
The mysterious green glow calls to me. It grows brighter, and it feels as if the light might drown out the entire planet. I know that I’m in danger, but I allow it to sink around my flesh, to hug the bones it wishes to crack and toss aside.
I blink, and I am suddenly lost in the center of the jungle. I spin and run toward the green lights. It starts to rain. Thunder cracks in the sky as the horizon lights up with lightning.
I run toward the light until I hit a clearing near the Kalyx river. A large boat rests along the water. Its metal body is bordered with defense spikes. The green lights emanate from the top of it.
Rows of women line up to board through the stern. At first, it doesn't register, but I’m staring at a slave ship.
The sight is incomprehensible. They can't be slaves.
My gut tells me to reach for my EF-1 shock gun. I don't even have time to try and radio my findings back to Clara. If my hardware is still working, she’ll be able to see it on her display.
Instinct just kicks in. I need to save those women.
There are no alpha traders in sight. Have the slavers abandoned them? I take one solid breath and step out to alert them of my presence.
I reach the first woman, a blue alien of elaborate beauty. Her scales shine against the green lights, casting a shade of turquoise onto my skin. She’s pregnant.
"It’s going to be okay,” I whisper. “Where are your captors?"
She turns away. Doesn't say a thing.
"Where are they?" I repeat.
Still, I get nothing. The other women shun me, too. They back away as if I were a leper.
They're in chains. Some are injured. Most are malnourished and scared. Their owners must have abandoned them when they realized we were out on patrol. I'll have to take them back to the base to get them ready for processing.
I grab my bolt cutters and snap the chains.
"You are free," I say. "Come with me. We will process you for integration."
One of them laughs. A slight chuckle that is quickly cut off and treated as a mistake. “How can you laugh at a time like this?” I wonder aloud.
"We will never be free," she says.
An alien with bright, gold eyes shakes her head. Tears run down her cheeks. The slavers have treated these women like cattle. For how long, I do not know. Could have been years. Decades.
These Syndicate scum-buckets use the women as bartering chips. They toss them into every club in the city sectors. And if one doesn't satisfy the needs of their alien master, they are eligible for a bolt through the brain like a swin
e before the slaughter.
Maybe Clara was right. Maybe they are savages.
Another woman lunges forward. Her eyes are red from exhaustion and sickness, but her hatred startles me. I fall back.
When I hit the ground, she stands over me, pointing her finger like a weapon. "It's your people who have wronged us... you let this happen."
“Me? I'm here to protect you," I say.
"You shouldn't be here. He'll take you, too," another whispers. "Go. Run while you still have time."
The rain washes over my eyes, and my adrenaline kicks into overdrive. Mixed with fear, I become a total mess.
I hit my radio. "Command, do you register my coordinates?"
Clara's voice. "I can see everything, and we've got eyes in the trees backing us up. They're standing by. No visual confirmation of the slavers.”
I step back, but the mud is thick. I slip and hit my hip on the earth. The women laugh and scatter as I scramble onto my feet, hands glued to my shock gun.
"No, you can't leave. You must be processed," I say.
They disappear into the fog.
I spin and try to get a read on the area. No outside movement registered.
"Keep your breathing steady, soldier," Clara says. "It's okay. Everything is all right."
I am shaking, but why? Is it because I know the slavers are here? Waiting in the forest. Watching me squirm like a trapped weasel in a cage.
I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to face the unknown. Clara was wrong. They were all wrong.
I just want to go back.
But I can't.
One woman points. "In there," she whispers. "He is hiding in the trees."