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Seed: A Dark Sci-Fi Omegaverse Romance (Alpha Unknown Book 2) Page 5

  “Please. Don’t hurt me,” I whimpered.

  At approximately six-foot-eleven, he made it obvious he could take me in a second. He could have mounted and penetrated me with his pole, killing me with one thrust.

  “Hurt?” he asked. I didn’t dare respond. “You know nothing of pain. I listened to your precious recordings. You earthlings try to kill your emotions when it’s a necessary part of existence. You shut your mouths and smile when things go wrong and then wonder why they continue to happen. Mark my words. Everyone you will ever know and love will go away in the end. Everyone.”

  He lifted me onto my feet, carefully holding my limp and trembling body with one hand. I didn’t know how to feel, but I couldn’t fight back. I just let him hold me and hoped the beast wouldn’t rip me apart. “But I won’t let you go,” he whispered into my ear. “I won’t let you go. Mia…”

  “Let me go,” I pleaded.

  His hands tightened. He took me like a snake. “I am the last of my species. All I need is someone like you. And all of this, as painful as it is, is for your own good.”

  He struck me.

  The blow was instantaneous. One swift push of my forehead led to the back of my head solidly hitting the computer screen. I don’t remember anything except the glass breaking and my body crumpling against the floor below, blood spreading far too quick.

  As I faded, he took my ankles and dragged me away. I was no longer the scientist. I was the test subject, and I’d soon be too fucked to walk straight.



  As I stared at her sprawled body, I debated whether I should claim her right away. It was completely within bounds among the alphas of Nyela.

  I had no regrets. Taking her was the only way to fix everything that had gone wrong. For both of us.

  It took hours for her to wake, but when she did, she tried to move. Then, came her muffled cries. Good thing I gagged the little slut with some cloth I found.

  “You can scream or we can talk like adults,” I said.

  When she calmed down, I wanted to hear what she had to say. Slowly, I removed the cloth from her mouth.

  “You’re up,” I muttered but was forced to quickly bite my tongue when the pain from my abdomen suddenly shocked my system. I reached into my bag to grab a new bandage, but I all I found was an empty box. I must have dropped my personals.

  A chill ran through my body. I left my identification tablet with the cargo. It had my information in all the languages of the galaxy. If anyone were to find it, they’d see my crimes. They could alert another federation and collect the bounty that had been placed over my head.

  “What did you tie me with?” Mia asked.

  She had rolled up against the wall, fighting her fingers against the impossibly tight knots of rope that coiled around her body. She’d never escape, but her actions brought me out of my funk. “Verintwine rope, known for its strong grip,” I told her. “Impossible to escape.”

  She jerked forward, beads of sweat dripping down her forehead, face red and swollen. She screamed louder than I expected. “You think I give a flying fuck about your rope?”

  I placed my fist against her cheek as a warning. Holding it there, I waited until her tone changed. She quieted. “What do you want with me? Please. I just want to know,” she finally asked.

  I tried not to grin, but it was nearly impossible to put her pussy out of my mind. My eyes told her all she needed to know. I wanted her petite body, to steal the shine and smoothness that ran up her thighs. I wanted her taste in my fucking mouth, while those pretty lips of hers draped around my cock.

  I wanted to make her practice for it. I was too big for her to take in one pump, but she’d keep trying until it became something for her to brag about.

  A human cunt that could take an alpha would be an extraordinary thing.

  My cock throbbed at the thought of spreading her delicious hole. “I am an advanced life form. I want you.”

  The things I could do to her. The melting orgasms I could so easily give her. My biology was perfect. Any pain felt would soon fade into ecstasy.

  Naturally, she went back to screaming so I gagged her and forced her into one of the cages within the pathetic hospice wing.

  “The cage is where you’ll stay until you act like a good omega,” I commanded. When she played dumb and didn’t move, I kicked the metal bars and roared. “Get.”

  I untied her hands and feet, and allowed her some movement.

  “But I’m not an omega,” she cried as I closed and locked the gate.

  Her brain was searching for an escape. I needed her to shut the fuck up and listen.

  “You were wise to stop the engines,” I said, sitting down in front of the bars, staring at her perfectly thick lips but still maintaining composure.

  “I turned on the emergency systems and locked down the appropriate areas. I did not stop the engines,” she said.

  Her hair was a beautiful strawberry-brown. The perfect mix of earthy soil and the red of the galaxy I had originated from. It was, I would admit, hard to look away. “Soon, we will arrive in the Nyelan System,” she added with a detectable amount of pride and ambition.

  I looked away from her breathtaking beauty because it was clouding my thought process. She wasn’t thinking straight. She was wrong. Fuck. She didn’t know a damn thing.

  It wasn’t my job to be nice. I came here because my planet combusted. The entirety of my sun was harnessed to burn us up. “You are mistaken. The engines have been turned off. This ship has been floating in space for hours now. You have lost considerable time.”

  “If you are right, it is not something I approved. Juliana must have...” She choked on her words. “No, it’s impossible. Juliana would have never authorized it.”

  “Who?” Before she could respond, I felt my anger get the best of me. I rattled her cage with my fist, ignoring the pain completely. “Tell me.”

  “Cade did it.”

  Tears formed in her eyes, and I waited for her to have her moment. When her confused tantrum passed, I leaned nearer to the metal bars and glared at her. She needed to understand how fucked she was without me.

  As if carrying the ability to read my mind, she calmly told me, “I am not the captain of the ship. It is not my duty to make sure you survive. I have a crew, a responsibility.”

  It was no one’s duty to make sure anyone survived. Even with my mapping systems in place, I wasn’t sure we’d make it to anywhere safe.

  “You are correct. Your survival means nothing in the grand scheme of this universe,” I said. “But if you want, I can make your life important throughout time.”

  I leaned back and observed the curiously frightened animal in her cage. Beautiful, frightened little fawn. There was nothing to be scared of. She would soon get used to all of this.

  “Yes.” She fell silent. “I guess neither of our lives means too much in the grand scheme of things.”

  There were ground rules that needed to be put in place. Our lives didn’t matter much to the stars around us, but my race of alphas mattered enough to me. I was still feeling the sting of injury, and I longed for a new home and mate.

  “But they can,” I said. “Every life can matter if they find a way to live forever.”

  “Forever?” she asked. “Look at my life. Why would I want to live forever?”

  The universe was far more connected than she understood. She had been chosen. “Your child is your legacy,” I said. “It is not up to you to decide.”

  She sank back, defeated.

  “Your planet is full of self-obsessed sociopaths battling for resources they could all share. They have no external enemies, yet they kill themselves. Your life had no meaning because your people refused to make one.”

  And before she could say anything else, I added, “We survive. We protect our women. Family does not break down where I am from. It binds us together.”

  “You aren’t as callous as you make yourself out to be,” she said, abrupt
ly moving closer to the bars. “You kept me alive.”

  “I have no intention of killing your people,” I lied.

  “Then, what is it that you really want?”

  “Your face. Your body. Those wide hips. I want to use them all,” I said. “I need kin, and you are the perfect fit.”

  “I’m… barren.” She kept her voice low.

  Her cheeks flushed enough to let me know that she wanted it about as badly as I did.

  “You, my slippery wet cunt, are wrong. You are as fertile as an oasis.”

  “You are as crude as you are merciful,” she said. “But I’ve been through the tests. It’s not possible for me.”

  “Then, we will make a deal,” I said.

  “This place. This unrefined ship. It is run by unrefined people. Derelicts. It reeks of betrayal. You will die here without my help. Not only do I offer you a way out, but I will give you the family you crave.”

  Moments passed, but she appeared to be curious. “How can that be?”

  I groaned and looked away. “My name is Talis. I am of the Critas family, a long lineage of alpha and omega regenerations. I can get you out of here, Mia Thompson.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” She was turning desperate. This was a good sign.

  I explained to her how my race had an evolved type of seed. It was one that could use an outside source of DNA in order to achieve a type of immortality. “Instead of binding with the mother’s genes, it uses the outside DNA for regeneration. Though a being cannot keep his memories, he can keep his essence in tact and live throughout eternity.”

  It hit her all at once. It didn’t matter how much she wanted to deny it. She knew I was perfect for her.

  “You snuck aboard, took our belongings, and you were going to leave us here to die here until—”

  Another grin, as sharp as a knife. “Until I saw your face on that screen. I want to breed you, woman.”

  Before she could answer, a trickle of blood ran down my abdomen, dripping black against the floor below.

  “You’re hurt,” she said, eyes turning sympathetic. “You need to settle down.”

  Quickly, I covered the lesion and turned around. “I’m fine.”

  “The cut is deep, and the infection is starting to spread,” she said. “I should know. I’m a doctor.”

  “You specialize in seed and pussy,” I said.

  “You’ll die without my care,” she said with more urgency.

  Dammit. I didn’t want to let her out. Would she run? How about scream? If I somehow lost her, I’d lose my fucking mind.

  “Why would you want to help someone who tied you up and left you in a cage to rot?” I asked.

  Slowly, she slid her thin hand between the bars and traced her fingers across my abdomen. It was the first time she touched me like this, and though the pain was excruciating, I wasn’t stopping her.

  “Because not only do we need each other; something happened to you. I refuse to believe you’re a criminal like the men and women on this ship.”

  “Maybe,” I said, wondering what plan she had cooked up to escape.

  I could be a total fucking asshole sometimes, but I loved that planet. And now I hated the Sankarians that destroyed us, made us slaves until our rebellion forced them to obliterate our presence. Mia had no fucking idea who I was and what I had done.

  Through the bars, Mia pointed at a small operating table. There were some strange robotics that could assist the surgery, but, again, they did not look so new. “I will heal your wounds,” she said. “And then, maybe, you can help us get to where we need to go.”

  I still wasn’t sure. In my normal state, I would have done as I wanted. I’d rape and abuse her until she was smeared in my sticky come. Back home, it was a sign of dominance, a normal alpha ritual. But I was weak, and she was correct. We had to trust each other to survive, but it gave her the upper hand.

  She leaned back and lifted up her shirt, revealing just enough of two perky tits. They slid out like gorgeous teardrops. “Mercy,” I murmured.

  She glanced down at her zipper. “It’s your choice,” she said. “Let me go, and I’ll give you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

  Give? I didn’t ask for what was rightfully mine. My cock was filling to the brim with blood, strengthening like steel. I took the stupid way out and gave in to my desires. I opened that cage.

  I unlocked the gate and half expected her to kick me in my wound and try to make an escape. But when she lay on her back, exposing her soft stomach, I crawled inside and knelt over her.

  “You run, I rape you,” I warned.

  I felt her skin. She was hot and clammy, still full of fear, but she was trying to behave. No woman, omega or otherwise, had skin as soft as her. I had every desire to take her here, but I couldn’t keep ignoring my wounds from my escape.

  “Lie back on the table,” she said, soothingly. “I’ll treat you right.”

  I couldn’t believe I was giving in to her, but I was weaker than I thought. I managed pry myself away from her perfect body, and leaned back on the operating table. With one eye open, I watched as she found a gun-like tool, hollow and small on the metal instrument table. She placed a cartridge of liquid in the center and seemed to marvel as a cold mist expelled from the tip. She eyed me next, turning back toward the table.

  She leaned over me. “Okay, let’s do this,” she said.

  But as she leaned over me to give me the injection, she grabbed a boxcutter.

  I grabbed the injector and nearly crushed the metal blade in my grip. “What are you doing?”

  Her pulse quickened, but she held onto the knuckles of my hand and slowly pried it loose. “The machine will stitch you up, but we need to reduce the infection. These are the strongest antibiotics we have. They’ll work fast,” she said, carefully sliding the shiv into her back pocket.

  “And the blade?” I asked.

  “I need my weapons. I will not harm you,” she said.

  I looked at her and huffed loudly, slowly letting her hands fall. Whether I liked it or not, I gave in. I suppose I was waiting to see if the reward outdid the risk.

  The surgical saws, old mechanics, and computers were like nothing I had ever seen before. Most of the planets I had visited had a similar evolution of technology, but I was beginning to think I was right about Earth. They were still so primitive.

  Letting go of the device, I let her do her job. The stitching was easy. The mechanical arms, for how simple they were, worked efficiently. Mia gave me the shot, and I remained still until I felt my health come back. She was right. It happened within the hour.

  Sitting up, I squeezed my hands, observing as my blood brought color back to my skin. I arched my neck and cracked both sides before standing up and feeling my natural aggression kick in.

  With her hand on my chest, she eased me back down. “You must stay calm. Give your body time to heal,” she said.

  The antibiotics worked faster on my system than expected, and the cut that sliced down my ribcage was now a minor scratch. I should have been more thankful, but, truthfully, it made me feel guilty seeing myself back in my normal state.

  I survived the death sentence nobody else did. Everyone sacrificed when I took the last path out. Even if I was alive, I wasn’t sure there was a single bone in my body that truly wanted to be.

  Getting the fuel cells from this ship was one thing. But I never thought I’d get too far. I was a wanted man. I was injured. I had wanted to go back there, to see my galaxy one last time—everything we had made there, and I don’t mean the buildings or technology, but the essence we created. I needed to feel it all one more time. I needed the ability to truly say goodbye.

  As my mind went to the dark depths of my memories, Mia tenderly kneaded two pressure points within my shoulder. I moaned and looked into her eyes. “Two for two. You have saved my life.”

  “I can’t promise it’ll kill the infection. Your body is sort of an anomaly to me,” she said, eyes fixated on
my lower half.

  I spread my legs and smirked. “How so?”

  She gulped and traced each finger down to my pelvis. “Well, for one thing, your muscles are highly”—she swallowed— “developed.”

  Above us, the sound of footsteps quickly rushed by. In a quick moment of panic, she fell against me, her breasts, tracing across my chest. Her mouth was as close to mine as it had ever been. She closed her eyes, breathing hurriedly through her nostrils, so tight and scared, but she wanted it.

  I took her wrists and squeezed. “You’ve been out too long. It’s time to go back into the cage.”

  Her eyes widened with protest and even more alarm. “Please.”

  I flipped her over, feeling her body bend under my strength. “You’re on my side?” I asked.

  “I am,” she said, obeying me. “Of course, I am.”

  She wasn’t. Not yet. But it wouldn’t take long for her to see I was her only escape.

  I grabbed her ass and squeezed with my palm. My cock was rock solid, but I had to tell her the truth about what I knew.

  “Mia. The program is not what you think,” I said.

  “This mission. It’s all I’ve got,” she said.

  “The universe is a desolate wasteland. Everyone knows what happens in the end.” I gestured around the shitty room and sighed. “All of this will go away someday. All of it. Do you understand?”

  “Then there is truly nothing worth fighting for,” she said.

  I smacked her cheek and squeezed, pulling her closer to me. I held my lips close to hers, and she slowly brought her forehead against mine. “You are a bad listener,” I said. “It’s all worth fighting for. That’s the point. You don’t get to decide what you fight for. You get to live.”

  “You literally just said it all goes away,” she groaned, wiping tears away from her eyes.

  “Over and over again, it does,” I growled. “Does that justify giving up? Get the fuck up and give in to your intuition for once. For the moment, life is only for fucking and fighting.”

  I pushed away from her and walked over to an open door leading to a black room. A sign overhead read: Specimen Room.